Introduced as a simple blogging platform in 2003, WordPress is a Special Database complete content management system that accounts for 43% of websites. It is constantly evolving to remain the primary CMS platform for websites. Every year, WordPress releases a number of updates, designed to make the content management process easier and better. In 2018, WordPress Special Database introduced an editor called Gutenberg. Replacing the default editor with Gutenberg is a major update for WordPress. This new editor has made it easy to create and edit WordPress pages and articles through a blockchain system.
Moreover, in order to improve the Gutenberg block Special Database editor and make it easier, the full concept of website editing has emerged. It is also called the second phase of the Gutenberg project and allows for complete website changes with content restrictions. Simply put, a complete website editor (in short, FSE) is a set of new WordPress features that allow you to Special Database create and edit all aspects of your website using blockchain. Prior to FSE, we could only use content area restrictions on WordPress pages and posts. Now, FSE allows the use of barriers beyond the content area and offers many configuration options. Let’s take a look at what Special Database WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE) is all about.
WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE) Features Special Database Here are the four main features of Full Site Editing: Site Editor The full site editing removes the restrictions on Gutenberg themes and plugins that allow you to use restrictions in the content distribution only. Full website change notification Before FSE you had to log in to the WordPress customizer to add logos, headers, footers, home page windows, widgets, and much more. Now, full website customizers have replaced customizers, widgets and menus because you no longer need them. You can change any Special Database part of your website by using blocks.