Turn on Andy Lau", does the phrase match the intent of the executive email list video or the intent of the song? At this time, it is necessary to artificially design relevant strategies to match the intent. Slot The word slot can be understood as what parameters are contained executive email list in a sentence, and the slot refers to how many parameters there are in the sentence, which directly determine whether the system can match the correct intent. For example, the weather intent "How is the weather in.
Shenzhen today" can be split into four words: "today", "Shenzhen", "weather", "how is it", then the weather intent includes "time", " Location", "Trigger Keyword", executive email list "Synonym" four word slots. There is a strong relationship between word slots and dictionaries, and word slots and slots are also strongly related to language grammar. For example, the sentence "sound louder" includes subject, predicate and adverbial. If there is no subject, then the voice intelligence executive email list platform does not know which thing should be "bigger".
Before designing, we must first understand whether the voice intelligence platform supports word slot state selection (optional, required), whether it has generalization executive email list capabilities, and whether the slot supports wildcards. Slots and slots are the most important aspects of design intent, and they can directly affect your future workload. Generalize The generalization ability of a voice intelligence platform can directly affect whether the system can understand executive email list what the user is saying and the workload of the designer, and it can also reflect the level of artificial intelligence of the platform.